Functional Medicine

An animated molecule

A paradigm shift in healthcare is on the horizon

Today, nearly half of Sweden's population suffers from at least one chronic disease. Five million people face daily battles with conditions ranging from digestive issues and rheumatic diseases to cardiovascular diseases and thyroid problems.

A paradigm shift in healthcare is on the horizon. In Functional Medicine, or Precision Health, preventive measures are being taken to reduce the prevalence of lifestyle-related diseases, with the long-term goal of eliminating many of them entirely.

However, this requires a completely new way of thinking. Policymakers, authorities, healthcare providers, and doctors must understand why and how these diseases can be prevented. The focus is on identifying the root causes of illness.

Laboratory tests that measure hundreds of biomarkers can reveal biochemical deviations from the norm, creating a holistic view of an individual's health status. This approach shifts the focus away from traditional diagnoses, concentrating instead on underlying physiological imbalances. A personalized health plan is then developed for each individual, including dietary recommendations, specific nutritional supplements, and often lifestyle modifications.

Today's healthcare system is focused in the wrong direction. Instead of waiting for people to become chronically ill and treating symptoms with medication for the rest of their lives, the underlying causes of chronic disease should be identified and addressed. Correcting these physiological imbalances can lead to the disease disappearing altogether! For more information, see the link to "KRONISKT FRISK" by Peter Martin, Funmed, Gothenburg, Sweden

health supplements

Possible support from us

We offer chemistry-related advice and support in the context of Functional Medicine and Precision Health.

For small companies in particular:

Assistance with writing chemistry-related content, such as information about nutraceuticals, explaining how they may complement or compete with pharmaceutical treatments. We can help improve the clarity of such texts and ensure the accuracy of the underlying chemistry, avoiding unnecessary mistakes.

Expertise in the field of "folate biochemistry," explaining its critical role in cell function and how it can be supported through nutraceuticals.

Guidance on how to minimize or potentially prevent certain chronic diseases. For instance, in the case of Alzheimer's disease, several known strategies can help stabilize the progression of the disease and possibly prevent further decline.

Initial lifestyle advice and recommendations for individuals already experiencing chronic disease symptoms, showing how Functional Medicine principles can be used to alleviate symptoms and improve overall health.


A holistic approach to drug research, which includes early-stage animal testing, results in fewer animals being used overall due to significantly higher success rates in bringing new drugs to market compared to the reductionist drug research methods commonly used today. This ultimately contributes to a more environmentally sustainable process.

Functional Medicine encourages healthier lifestyles and recovery from chronic diseases, resulting in fewer people needing ongoing medical treatments. This, in turn, reduces the demand for new medications and healthcare resources, contributing to a more sustainable healthcare system and a better environment.

Business people on the way to work

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